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Personal data
Born June 5, 1947, in Zwentendorf/Danube, Lower Austria
Citizenship: Austria
Married to Gertrude Chaloupek née Kotzmanek, three children
Gymnasium Krems/Danube, Lower Austria
Matura 1965
Studies of law at the University of Vienna, 1965 to 1969
Dr. iuris (University of Vienna) 1969
Summerschool of the University of Vienna (July/August 1969)
Studies of economics at the University of Vienna 1969/70
Fulbright scholarship for studies in the USA:
Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas, USA 1970/71
M.A. (economics) 1971
Professional carreer
1971/72 Österreichisches Institut für Raumplanung (Austrian institute for regional planning), Vienna
since 1972 Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien (Chamber of Labour), department for economic research
1976 (until 1992) managing director of Beirat für Wirtschafts- und Sozialfragen der Paritätischen Kommission (Economic and Social Council of the Parity Commission)
1986-2011 director of the department for economic research (now: dpt. for economic research and statistics) of the Chamber of Labour
2011-2013 director of economic policy section of the Chamber of Labour, retired since December 2013
editor of the quarterly journal „Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ (published by NexisLexis) 1986 – 2011
Positions and responsibilities in public institutions
Vice president of Staatsschuldenausschuss (Goverment Debt Committee) 1986-2013
Member of the Economic and Social Council of the Parity Commission 1993-2013
Member of the advisory board of the Austrian Securities Authority (Österreichische Wertpapieraufsicht) 1997-2001
Adjunct member of Cartell Court 1986-1993
Member of the Board of the Austrian Institute for Economic Research 2011-2013
Member of the advisory board of the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW)
Positions and responsibilities in companies
Vice president (non-executive) of the board of Österreichische Postsparkasse (Austrian Postal Savings Bank) 1982-1997
Member of the supervisory board of Österreichische Postsparkasse AG 1997-2000
Member, vice president of the supervisory board of PSK Bank AG 1982-1998
Member of the supervisory board of Bankhaus Feichtner & Co AG 1982-1992
Member of the supervisory board of PSK Beteiligungsverwaltungs-AG 1993-2000
Member of the supervisory board of Österreichische Lotterien 1992-2007
Member of the supervisory board of Telekom Austria AG 1999-2002
Member of the supervisory board of Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft AG (BAWAG) 2001-2005
Participation in advisory bodies of international organisations
OECD Working Party on Short Term Economic Perspectives (STEP) 1974-1985
UNO/ECE Senior Economic Advisors 1978-1986
Teaching activities
Sozialakademie of the Austrian Chamber of Labour 1974-1977
Lecturer at the University of Vienna, Faculty for social and
economic sciences 1991-1993
partner, member of the advisory board of the Österreichische
Industriegeschichte GesmbH (Linz) (Austrian Industrial History GesmbH) 2000-2014
Editor (jointly with Jürgen Backhaus and Hans Frambach) of the series The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences, Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht
Membership in professional associations
President of the Arbeitskreis Dr. Benedikt Kautsky 1985-2013
President/vice president of the Arbeitskreis für ökonomische und soziologische Studien (Working group for economic and social studies) since 1978
History of Economics Society (HES)
European Society for the History of Economic Theory (ESHET)
International Schumpeter Society
Deutsche Keynes-Gesellschaft
Verein für Socialpolitik (German Economic Association)
Ausschuss für die Geschichte der Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Dogmenhistorischer Ausschus) des Vereins für Socialpoilitk
Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Verein für Geschichte der Stadt Wien
Verein für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich
Festschrift für Günther Chaloupek at the occasion of his 65th birthday (Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Heft 2/2012), with contributions by: Felix Butschek, Thomas Delapina, Georg Feigl, David F. Good, Alois Guger, Edith Kitzmantel, Jürgen Kromphardt, Heinz D. Kurz, Ferdinand Lacina, Markus Marterbauer, Michael Mesch, Werner Muhm, Ewald Nowotny, Helge Peukert, Manfred Prisching, Miriam Rehm, Peter Rosner, Bruno Rossmann, Robert Schediwy, Christa Schlager, Erich W. Streissler, Werner Teufelsbauer, Gunther Tichy, Wolfgang Tritremmel, Ewald Walterskirchen, Herbert Walther, Andreas Weigl, Thomas Zotter, Josef Zuckerstätter